Anti-Aging – Environmentally Damaged

No matter how your lines and wrinkles were caused, we offer a range of options to help treat and improve them.  Our highly trained therapists will thoroughly assess your skin and discuss with you your desired result and skincare goal to determine the best treatment for your skin.

There are different types of environmentally damaged skin and different goals at different ages (decades). Click here to see our information on the skin at different ages.

Environmental Damaged Skin Treatment Package

The course serves as a guideline only.  We will have a thorough consultation with you as each client’s skin and individual concerns differ and will be taken into consideration in planning your individual treatment plan

Treatments are done every 3-6 weeks (8 months) depending on skin sensitivity, photo type and age. 

2 x Active Rejuvenation Treatments

4 x SRC ED Treatments or Smart Resurfacer (Peel)

4 x Dermal Needling Treatments

10 x LED Treatments

Recommended Homecare

Nimue Environmental Starter Kit (one month supply) prepare and repair skin barrier for treatments

  • Nimue Cleansing Gel
  • Nimue Exfoliating Enzyme
  • Nimue Day
  • Nimue Night
  • SPF 40 Sunblock

Environmentally Damaged Skin: 12 treatments, 9 homecare products, over 4 months

Environmentally Damaged Skin: 2 Microneedling treatments over 2 months

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